Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Pass the popcorn........and tissue

I love chick flicks.  Should I be embarrassed to admit that?  Well, I'm not.  Some of my all-time favorite movies (that I watch more than I should) are When Harry Met Sally, Murphy's Romance, Green Card, Sleepless in Seattle, You've Got Mail (I seem to have a Meg Ryan thing too), Notting Hill and reaching back a few years, Young at Heart.  Young at Heart features two of my favorite stars; Frank Sinatra and Doris Day.  You know the scenario; boy meets girl, boy loses girl, boy gets girl.  It's and old plot line but it still works today.  I am a sucker for romance and I like happy endings.

If the story involves lost love whether it be through death, divorce, breakup, rejection, geography or any other means my heart breaks as much as the characters in the film  These films are known as tear jerkers.  I do like a good cry once in a while but I don't watch those movies as much.  I can usually find enough things to cry about on my own.  An Affair to Remember is a perfect example of this genre.

Finally there are the movies so painful to watch I do not ever want to see them again.  Topping that list is Sophie's Choice.  I saw the film in 1982 and although it was a wonderfully-acted, well-written movie it was torturous to watch and I swore I would never see it again.  I never have.  Others include My Foolish Heart, Love Story, Summer of '42, My Girl, Titanic and Nights in Rodanthe. 

A friend suggested Nights in Rodanthe.  Since I am a Richard Gere and Diane Lane fan I ordered the DVD from Amazon.  My partner had passed away the year before so when my friend asked how I liked the movie, I said, "The guy dies."  She said she hadn't thought about that.

I had decided I wouldn't see Titanic just from watching the ads on television.  When a friend who had seen the movie described a couple of scenes to me, tears ran down my cheeks.  I have only seen bits and pieces of Titanic on TV.  I also shed tears over a description of My Girl.  I have seen that film on TV and love it until the bees attack.

I saw the Help last week.  I wasn't planning to include it with the rest of my chick flicks; I just wanted to mention how great it is.  The term chick flick often implies a lack of quality.  But the more I thought about it, the Help is the best kind of chick flick.  It shows the strength women have; both individually and collectively.  It made me proud to be a woman and yet I am humbled by the bravery and tenacious attitudes exhibited by women who had been groomed for a life of submission.  These women who were treated as non persons by their employers were expected to run the household.  They cooked the meals, cleaned the houses, washed the clothes and essentially raised the children.  I don't know if this movie (book) is based on a true story but it represents a contemptible period in our history.  I am not naive enough to believe that this sort of discrimination no longer occurs but maybe a book and film like this will serve to open our minds and our hearts to the plight of  the disenfranchised.   

Monday, August 1, 2011

Getting stronger

Today was the last day of the Living Strong/Living Well program I joined in May.  We had a farewell gathering and enjoyed finger food.  It was a bittersweet occasion because the group has bonded in many ways.  We reminisced about the first day we met and realized how far we have come.  We are stronger in mind,  body and spirit and damn if we don't all look a lot better, too!  Although the program is over we have agreed to meet informally at the gym, participate in hikes every other Thursday and attend the group meeting on Fridays.  We have also been asked to come in to the first meeting of the new group in September so we can relate the benefits of the program.

I was surprised by the similarity of our experiences.  Many of us were newbies to the whole gym experience.  We find we are now comfortable with the coed aspect and are not intimidated by the younger, thinner members.  It has become a comfortable place.  The staff is friendly and helpful and we could not have asked for a better instructor.  She is the best and I'm glad we will continue to see her there.

Personally I am in much better shape.  I have not lost much weight because my eating was out of control for the first weeks but I am stronger and have less pain in my joints and muscles.  The hikes are testament to my improved stamina.

I am joining the Y and making a commitment to continue the path to better health.  It will be a struggle at times to get on the road and travel the 20 plus miles to the gym but the rewards are worth the effort.  I hope I can remember that when the weather turns cold and rainy.  At those times I will have the support of my group.  I can email someone and ask for encouragement.  I believe continuing with the group will keep me motivated.  We have a common goal and an understanding of how important it is for us to keep striving for more strength, more stamina and ultimately a better quality of life.